Who would win in a fight between T-Rex and Darth Vader???

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The first 5 days...

So, it is now the fifth day being back at Red Land for the new school year. So far, things are still mighty hectic around here in regards to the various renovation projects being undertaken, but surprisingly, the students have been very resilient and have "rolled with the punches." I am teaching seniors once again and find that I enjoy teaching this grade level and course more and more. I hope that it is a course in which my boss will allow me to teach for many years to come. I seem to feel that I am improving each year, which is definitely good. I feel more at home here, now, it being my fourth full year on this staff. I have a little more Red Land pride, now. My new classroom is great, although there are a few minor set-backs. For one, there are no blinds on the windows (I know, not that big of a deal, but it makes trying to project something on the screen a lot tougher than you might think). Also, for whatever reason, none of my posters will stay up on my walls. I have now used duct tape on EVERYTHING to try and make it stick, and even some of that is not working. I hope to find a solution to this problem. Any suggestions??? All in all, things are not too bad, I must say. I am hopeful for a quick, but enjoyable school year.