For those of you who haven't seen my dog yet... here's Tessie. She is being a real pain in the ass at the moment... I don't know why, she has been so good lately... today she just wants to be a terror though. Ugh... Anyway, I am the dog-watcher for the night, Jen's turn to be at band. I took this picture with photo booth on my MacBook... it was a pain to get her to sit still, but she eventually did. We took a trip to PetSmart aftter dinner to get some fancy food. If you didn't know, we named Tessie after the song "Tessie" that is played at Fenway Park when the Sox win. Tessie hasn't been the best Red Sox fan as of late... she chewed up my favorite Sox hat, and she also pissed on my Red Sox rug the first week we had her here at the house. She has gotten better. Anyway, she wants to go out now... so, laters!
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