Who would win in a fight between T-Rex and Darth Vader???

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer far.

Been a long time since I wrote here...

Summer vacation is quickly approaching its finale for me. August already. In a matter of a couple weeks, I'll be back to the grind of being a teacher. As much as I hate the though of it all, it is honestly a good thing. I get lazy when I don't have a regimented structure to follow.

So, the summer so far has been pretty fantastic. Jenny and I spent 9 days on the road. Our road trip took us to many new places. We drove 3,826 miles in all, went through 16 different states, and 3 time zones. We had a blast, really! I never once got sick of all the driving and was really upset when the 9 day trip came to an end. Jen was more excited to be home than I was.

Tessie has grown, and now that we have had her for a year, it's amazing to think that last summer at this time I was loosing my mind while trying to train a hyper active puppy. She is much calmer now and has been a good pet. She's staring at me sort of cock-eyed as I type this... she must know that I am writing about her.

I am working on an online course right now through Teacher Education Institute and Carlow University. The class is about improving student literacy skills. I start a second course in a few days (Aug 10, to be exact) and the two will overlap. I hope to be finished with both of them by October-November.

I was fixated on the World Cup, while it was on, but now there is nothing of interest in the sports world to me. The Red Sox have been somewhat depressing this summer, and having the Yankees in first place just makes matters worse. Blah...

Well... my summer goes on, too quickly, but I suppose that's the way things go. I hope to have some big news in the future to post... something more interesting then all of this, haha. Stay tuned.