Who would win in a fight between T-Rex and Darth Vader???

Friday, May 8, 2009

Manny... Where for art thou, Manny???

Oh, yeah... that's right, you're suspended.

This may sound naive and ignorant, but I was actually holding out and hoping that all players so close to my team (the Red Sox), and especially someone who was treasured (like Manny) as a key member of the two most recent World Series Red Sox teams had played it clean. I guess there is no way of knowing (right now) for sure how deep and how long he has played using enhancement drugs, but it is definitely on my mind, as I am sure on the mind of other Red Sox fans. It is embarrassing. Now it calls into questions some of the other hitters who posted big numbers in Boston... Papi??? Maybe it's not a coincidence that he is in a huge home run slump... could it be that when he was nailing all those homers in the past that he was enhanced... somehow??? I hope not. God, I really hope not. But, I have to wonder...

So what is for the future??? When A-Rod returns shortly, what are going to be expectations? What kind of reception will Manny get when he returns after his 50 day suspension??? Is he still a first ballot candidate for Cooperstown??? This is a guy that, while he was in Boston, I used to love watch hit. Now, when I see him hit, it will be with disparity. Can any of these players be trusted??? Baseball heroes are falling, hero after hero... For me, two guys I had always had revered with awe (Manny Ramirez and Roger Clemens, before his days in NY) have broken my heart and have made me question the legitimacy of all MLB superstars.

Thanks, guys.


Stockard said...

Dude no kidding. Why did it have to be Manny?!?!?!?!?!