The Top 5 James Bond Villains (from the films, not the books, as I have not read all the books and would not be able to pass suitable judgement)
5) Francisco Scaramanga (from The Man With The Golden Gun) - The first villain I would like to discuss is the one played by Christopher Lee. Lee is probably one of the most famous actors to play genuinely evil dudes, and he pulls off Scaramanga falwlessly. Being
the man with the golden gun means that he is supposedly the best (and most expensive) assassin for hire in the world. The theme song tells us a million a shot... not a bad way to make a living. The other reason I think he is a great villain is because, unlike other Bond foes, he actually looks upon Bond as an equal, as someone he actually WANTS to face because it will be a challange. Plus, Scaramanga lives on his own private island, a lush paradise in the south pacific where he also has a crazy solar powered ray gun/cannon thing. He also employs maybe the coolest henchmen in all the bond series, Nick Nack. And to top it all off... Scaramanga has three nipples!!!! Wow!!!
4) Hugo Drax (from Moonraker) - Hugo Drax is selected for two reasons. 1) I love his crazy far-out plan (mostly because it involves extre
mely hot chicks), and 2) because he has a kick-ass name. Hugo Drax's plan is probably one of the most far-fetched plans...and that is why I love it! Drax's plan is to wipe out the entirety of Earth's population and restart the human civilization ON THE MOON!!! Haha, but better yet... he is going to populate the moon by enslaving many hot and beautiful women, specifically selected for their looks and perfect figures, using them to satisfy his sexual desires and create a race of beautiful people. Crazy, I know... but genius, if you ask me. All in all, however, Moonraker is probably one of the worst Bond movies, only because it pushes the envelope a little too far. The only one that is worse is probably Die Another Day. That one is just gay.
3) Karl Stromberg (from The Spy Who Loved Me) - This one is a little weird.
I picked Stromberg strictly for how whacky and crazy his world domination scheme was. Very similar to Hugo Drax, Stromberg had this master plan to destroy all life on Earth, only to build a futuristic new civilization in which he would be the ruler.... under the ocean. No lie, an entire civilization under water. Stromeberg probably, more so than most Bond villains, has the coolest secret lair of evil. Stromberg's lair is a massive, multi-pod shaped sealab with one of the coolest aquariums! And of course, man eating sharks. Stromberg also has a gigantic ship that opens up and literally swallows an entire nuclear sub full of American naval officers... and a few nuclear warheads, duh. Isn't that what every evil genius is after!? Hahaha...
2) Emilio Largo (from Thunderball) - I choose Largo as number 2, because he was considered to be the numb
er 2 operative for the evil terrorist organization with seemingly endless funds, SPECTRE. The Largo character has technically appeared in two films (the re-make, Never Say Never Again). He is ruthless and is totally loyal to his superior at SPECTRE. It is his plan to attain stolen nuclear warheads to extort money from Great Britain. Not only that, but he keeps his hot mistress, Domino, held prisoner on his sweet-ass yacht. He is strangely obsessed with her and even has a hidden room in which he spys on her through a window disguised as a mirror while she dances and works out in the dance studio on board the yacht. All the while, the dude fashions a classic pirate-esque eye patch. Creeeeepy. Of course, Bond wins her over and she ends up shooting Largo in the back with a harpoon gun. Excellent!
and the number ONE James Bond Villain...
1) This one is a no brainer... Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the master mind behind S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and the obvious choice for number one, as he WAS number one. He is the most iconic villain in the 007 franchise and probably the biggest megalomaniac of them all. His image is unforgettable. No one can forget his pet cat or his unidentifiable eastern European accent. He has never been played by the same actor twice. His objectives and schemes were, ab
ove all others, far fetched and elaborate. He is so iconic, that Austin Power's Dr. Evil villain is modeled after him (in other words, Blofeld's actions have become the cliches for every super-villain to appear after). He has been the primary Bond villain in the most movies. For example, where as most Bond villains have only one (two at most) films in which they appear as a protagonist, Blofeld has a role in 6 Bond films (From Russia With Love, Thunderball, You Only Live Twice, On Her Majesty's Secret Service, Diamonds Are Forever, and a brief encounter, in which Bond eventually uses a helicopter to drop Blofeld down a factory smoke stack, in For Your Eyes Only). Technically, he has been in 7 films if you count the non-EON pictures film Never Say Never Again (which is technically just a re-make of Thunderball). So what was Blofeld's most evil plan??? Probably the plan revealed in Diamonds Are Forever, where he plans to hold the world for ransom and threaten the use of his death ray gun (positioned in outer space, of course) that is capable of destroying any target, anywhere on Earth. The detonator for such a device is disguised as an audio cassette tape of Scotland fife and drum classics (duh! Of course!) Another crazy stunt is how, according to Bond (in OHMSS), Blofeld cut his own ear lobes off so that he could wrongfully acquire the Blofeld family fortune because everyone knows that the Blofelds don't have ear lobes! (weird and just plain evil). To top it off, Blofeld's goons are supposedly responsible for the murder of Bond's wife, Tracy. So here's to you, Number One. SPECTRE rocks!
5) Francisco Scaramanga (from The Man With The Golden Gun) - The first villain I would like to discuss is the one played by Christopher Lee. Lee is probably one of the most famous actors to play genuinely evil dudes, and he pulls off Scaramanga falwlessly. Being
4) Hugo Drax (from Moonraker) - Hugo Drax is selected for two reasons. 1) I love his crazy far-out plan (mostly because it involves extre
3) Karl Stromberg (from The Spy Who Loved Me) - This one is a little weird.
2) Emilio Largo (from Thunderball) - I choose Largo as number 2, because he was considered to be the numb
and the number ONE James Bond Villain...
1) This one is a no brainer... Ernst Stavro Blofeld, the master mind behind S.P.E.C.T.R.E. and the obvious choice for number one, as he WAS number one. He is the most iconic villain in the 007 franchise and probably the biggest megalomaniac of them all. His image is unforgettable. No one can forget his pet cat or his unidentifiable eastern European accent. He has never been played by the same actor twice. His objectives and schemes were, ab
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